Temsil Ettiğimiz Alanlar


Umumi Mahaller

Dijital Haklar

Dinle - İndir

# Eser Adı Yorumcu Tür Süre Bestekar Söz Yazarı Bilgi Demo
1 İyi Geceler Güvenç Pop 00:05:08 Sertaç Aydoğan Sertaç Aydoğan
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
2 Aşıklar Melek Olur Ümit Gür Pop 00:04:13 Ümit Gür Ümit Gür
Ersan Ergin
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
3 Kalmadı Nilay Tezsay Pop 00:04:09 Serkan Bigay
Emrah Karakuyu
Serkan Bigay
Emrah Karakuyu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/play-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
4 Melek Yüzlü Şeytan Özdemir Pop 00:03:51 Remzi Esim Remzi Esim
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
5 Yağmur Cüneyt Kitoğlu
Nilgün Kitoğlu
Pop 00:04:14 Cüneyt Kitoğlu Cüneyt Kitoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
6 O Eski Günler Gölge Pop 00:05:06 Erdinç Eriş Erdinç Eriş
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
7 Kar Taneleri Erdinç Eroğlu Pop 00:03:34 Erdinç Eroğlu Erdinç Eroğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/play-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
8 Bilmece Kızılötesi Pop 00:03:31 Elif Bilge
Ceylan Bilge
Elif Bilge
Ceylan Bilge
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
9 İstanbul'da Aşk Gazi Kitoğlu Pop 00:02:52 Gazi Kitoğlu Gazi Kitoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
10 Birikmez Ongu Pop 00:03:52 Kadir Ongu Kadir Ongu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/play-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
11 Bilemezsin Gazi Kitoğlu Pop 00:03:54 Gazi Kitoğlu Gazi Kitoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/play-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
12 Şansın Varsa Ezgi Ayçe Pop 00:04:04 Serkan Bigay Serkan Bigay
Ezgi Ayçe
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
13 Kal Benimle Okan Öz Pop 00:03:23 Okan Özbayis Okan Özbayis
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
14 Alışırsın Bingül Konya Pop 00:03:38 Serkan Bigay Serkan Bigay
Kadir Ongu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
15 Sosyal Medya Okan Öz Pop 00:03:19 Serkan Bigay
Okan Özbayis
Serkan Bigay
Okan Özbayis
Sertaç Aydoğan
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/play-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
16 Sallana Sallana Alican Pop 00:03:38 Alican Bişkin Alican Bişkin
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
17 Başkasını Sevemem Gazi Kitoğlu Pop 00:03:19 Gazi Kitoğlu Gazi Kitoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/controller-background.png can't be loaded, check path!
18 Biri Gelir Biri Gider Emrah Karakuyu Pop 00:02:32 Serkan Bigay Emrah Karakuyu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/play-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
© 2013 Genç Müzik Yapım

* Yayınlanan eserlerin ses dosyaları 30 saniyelik tanıtım örnekleridir. Eserlerin tamamını yasal platformlardan bulabilirsiniz.

* Eserlerimizi Radyo/TV ve Umumi Mahallerde kullanmanız için meslek birliğimizle irtibata geçiniz.