Temsil Ettiğimiz Alanlar


Umumi Mahaller

Dijital Haklar

# Eser Adı Yorumcu Tür Süre Bestekar Söz Yazarı Bilgi Demo
1 Yak Eray Ağır Pop 00:04:03 Serkan Bigay Serkan Bigay
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
2 Prangalar Fatih Yıldırım Pop 00:04:15 Serkan Bigay Serkan Bigay
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
3 Ömrümü Adarım Ongu Pop 00:04:48 Serkan Bigay Serkan Bigay
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
4 Gel Gel İsmail Özdemir Pop 00:03:25 Serkan Bigay Serkan Bigay
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
5 Hayat Merve Özkan Fantezi 00:05:41 Merve Özkan Merve Özkan
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
6 Sevmeyi Seçtim Reşat Yaman(Ali) Özgün 00:05:53 Reşat Yaman Reşat Yaman
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
7 Zuhal Yıldızı Impregnable Rock 00:09:02 Caner Köseoğlu Caner Köseoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
8 İnsana Bel Bağlama Reşat Yaman(Ali) Pop 00:05:51 Reşat Yaman Reşat Yaman
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
9 Sensin Vatanım Serhat Bulut Özgün 00:04:57 Serhat Bulut Serhat Bulut
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
10 Aldırma Reşat Yaman(Ali) Özgün 00:05:44 Reşat Yaman Reşat Yaman
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
11 Türkü Bakışlı Yarim Serhat Bulut Özgün 00:04:55 Serhat Bulut Serhat Bulut
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
12 Ne Bilirsin ? Ali Özgün 00:04:50 Reşat Yaman Reşat Yaman
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
13 Masallar Serhat Bulut Özgün 00:04:32 Serhat Bulut Serhat Bulut
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
14 Gelene Bak Reşat Yaman(Ali) Pop 00:03:40 Reşat Yaman Reşat Yaman
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
15 Kader Düellosu Impregnable Rock 00:05:20 Caner Köseoğlu Caner Köseoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
16 Kayıp Ruh Impregnable Rock 00:05:41 Caner Köseoğlu Caner Köseoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
17 Metalcinin Aşkı Impregnable Pop 00:03:58 Caner Köseoğlu Caner Köseoğlu
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
18 Sahil Fatih Yıldırım Pop 00:04:22 Serkan Bigay Serkan Bigay
The skin icon with label http://muzikbir.org/Content//js/audio/minimal_skin_white/facebook-button.png can't be loaded, check path!
© 2021 Genç Müzik Yapım

* Yayınlanan eserlerin ses dosyaları 30 saniyelik tanıtım örnekleridir. Eserlerin tamamını yasal platformlardan bulabilirsiniz.

* Eserlerimizi Radyo/TV ve Umumi Mahallerde kullanmanız için meslek birliğimizle irtibata geçiniz.